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338 weeks ago

Tamil Movie Dubbed In Hindi Free Download Westworld > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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A robot malfunction creates havoc and terror for unsuspecting vacationers at a futuristic, adult-themed amusement park.
Peter Martin and John Blane decide to take a holiday in a high tech amusement park, Westworld. Here they get to play cowboys - saloon brawls, saloon girls and quick draws against the town's gunslinger - with lifelike robots. All is well for the first few days but when the park's central computer malfunctions, the built-in safety features are turned off and the robots begin to attack the guests. The gunslinger in particular seems indestructible and relentlessly pursues his prey.
For the record, not saying it needs to be redone, this version is just jim-dandy, but given the fact that the suits in Hollywood make a new Spiderman every few years, just for practise, just to make sure the cameras are working OK, you have to wonder why no one ever took a second run at this gem? Iconic and classic. Written and directed by Crichton, years before the fame and fortune of works like, for example, Jurassic Park. Brynner was not only one of the most unique and identifiable stars of the era ("So it shall be written – so it shall be done") but one of the least imitated, like Charles Bronson. Although James Brolin is mainly known, today, as the father of Josh, fact is, he was a leading man at one point and had the chops to back it up. Richard Benjamin, believe it or not, represented the "everyman" role of the era (even though he arguably looked and acted like nobody else you could think of) and somehow made an unbelievable story .. believable. But it is Brynner who makes this film the classic it came to be. Years before Terminator, it was this "mechanical man" of his that defined the term "relentless." Recommended.
THE PLOT: &quot;Westworld&quot; is about a new amusement park, Delos, which features three themes to enjoy: Roman World, Medieval World and Western world. Guests can go back in time, in a sense, and pretend to be a part of these various worlds. All three are inhabited by very life-like robots whom you can kill or have sex with, according to your whim. Things go awry when the robots malfunction and become deadly.<br/><br/>The film features James Brolin and Richard Benjamin as guests and Yul Brynner as the determined black-clad cowboy robot/assassin.<br/><br/>ANALYSIS: I didn&#39;t see this classic sci-fi flick until fairly recently so I was able to view it without nostalgia-tinged glasses. It&#39;s not bad; it&#39;s definitely worth picking up if you can find it cheap. It&#39;s enjoyable to see old films like this because it&#39;s like going back in time. Still, I can&#39;t help but point out that it&#39;s a tad overrated. Yes, it should be honored as the prototype for better films like &quot;The Terminator&quot; and &quot;Jurassic Park,&quot; but &quot;Westworld&quot; itself borrows heavily from other material, such as episodes of the original Star Trek; for instance, the Trek segment &quot;What Are Little Girls Made Of?&quot; (episode #10), which was released a full 7 years before &quot;Westworld.&quot; This episode of Trek is an all-around better story.<br/><br/>Secondly, &quot;Westworld&quot; doesn&#39;t seem like a major-league production; Jeff Shannon describes it as a &quot;low-budget backlot production,&quot; and he&#39;s fairly accurate. There are some obvious kinks that should have been worked out. For instance, there&#39;s a decidedly empty, barren vibe to the pic, especially the last 40 minutes or so. Also, consider the last images of the Brynner robot at the very end, it smacks of cheapness and could have been done in a much more impacting way.<br/><br/>BOTTOM LINE: Despite my reality-check criticisms, &quot;Westworld&quot; is worth viewing or including in your video library. Just don&#39;t expect to be blown away (in the manner of, say, &quot;The Terminator&quot;).<br/><br/>GRADE: C+
Brynner is very good, his austere presence and unflinching intent making him seem indestructible.
It could have been a prototype test for future models.<br/><br/>Or the scientist/mechanic could have been one of the machines that was self-aware and built the robots as was mentioned by the scientists.
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